miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

Hi everybody!!! this is my first blog, I'm going introduce myself....

My name is (you know), I have (no matter) years old (excuse me, but isn't your problem)...
I study industrial engineer in INTEC (no comment), but I fell happy studying there (you believe or not)... I have a great family, my mom is a nice woman, she likes to cook, to play solitaire spider and freecell, my dad is lawyer, he likes to work a lot!!!, hang out with my mom only, no childs, also he likes the Brugal extra viejo. I have three sisters and a brother.

Well my english teacher Alannah asked to us (I don't know why but it's okay), that we create this blog, as an afterthought it's so cool and fun, you can to write whatever you want (I think).. I like to write silly things in internet (bad habit).

I didn't write nothing interesting but I hope that you like the letter that humbly writed and that this written good..

so, see you later and I promise that I will write something with quality the next time... I'm so nervous... please is my first time, don't press.. BYE!!!

1 comentario:

ally dijo...

i laughed so hard with this one!!
it was really good!!!
there were a few things that need some fixing (grammar-wise) but... it's great!!!!! i hope you warm up to blogging... it's a really nice way to express your day-to-day thoughts!!! i'll send you the corrections by email! bye!